News Updates

News for Murad Hassil
&  Updates to the Schedule

Alhumdulillah! The property on 63rd Street has been sold! Murad Hassil will be relocating in early 2006. If anyone wishes to reach the SMI office, please email us at [email protected]. The Fall schedule will be placed on the web site in 2006.

In the Name of the One, Murshida Rabia

A New Year’s Message from Murshida Rabia (January, 2005)

As this New Year opens to us, may our hearts, minds and intentions turn to the inward motivation
that wishes to remove suffering and harm from all beings.

Let our resolve rest in the calm, clear tapestry of awakened conscious connections.

In this way every relationship
between mother, father, daughter, son, teacher, guide, friend, stranger, plant, animal and space
inclusively benefit from our vibrant effort
that reveals woven karmic threads of ever-expanding goodness.

Be the Light you wish to see!

All Blessings of Peace for 2005

Rabia Ana Perez-Chisti
Sufi Movement International of the USA

Click to download a printable copy of the New Year’s blessing (NewYear2005.pdf 784kb).

News for the Murad Hassil — The House for the Fulfillment of Wishes:


Please make a contribution if you have a desire to do so. It will be appreciated and help the Sufi Movement International – USA flourish. A debt of gratitude is extended to those who have already contributed. Thank you!

You can mail us a check made out to Sufi Movement International – USA or donate online through PayPal. The Sufi Movement International of the USA is a nonprofit religious/educational organization incorporated in the state of California. All donations are tax deductible in computing Federal Income Tax.

“As the heart expands, so the horizon becomes wider,
and one finds greater and greater scope
in which to build the kingdom of God.”
         Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan